Friday, December 17, 2010

semi presentation

On Dec 9th,2010 my friend Adnan Abdullah (id hoo158036)had a presentation. The presentation started at 10:45 AM in room j33. In this report I'm going to write a feedback about his presentation.

Adnan started his presentation by say hi for the students then he intoduce him self and ask about the advantage of traffic light.After that he said or as story that he saw which is about importance of traffic lights and why they invented. Also he told about how its work then he told us about the push button system that we uae it in our traffic light and about another system that we well use it in the UAE which is (sensors system).

I think that was the first presentation but it was great presention . He surprised me in this performance it was interested presentation , he show us many picture and he had a good PowerPoint slides . He had a self confidence showed by eyes contact with the students.
Another good point his sound was very clear However, he must Prepare more for the presentation and search for more information, and\he must stand near to board not in
front the board.

In conclusions the presentation was interested and he chose good topic .He was good presenter just he has to fix few point (more informaition, stand position and more practice).

My advice to Adnan is prepar better for presentation and he be good presenter.

1 comment:

  1. Abdullah:

    Interesting comments about Adnan's presentation. Be careful with spelling, and for copying other people's work.
    Type your comments in WOrd, and then paste in your Blog.

