Thursday, December 16, 2010

meeting reflection

Our meeting began at 08:05 am on Tuesday, 27th of October 2010. We met to discuss student success in the college. My role in the meeting was a group member. Therefore, my job was to discuse with other members. Our group director is Sultan Al-Obaidli, another members are me, Saif Alzaabi (Time keeper) and Zaid(note taker). Our meeting started with welcoming and the attendees by the director. The goal of this meeting was to found some solutions to the problems.

Due to the well preparation, the meeting we had was nearly perfect and went smoothly. In addition, because of the well managed ideas, during the meeting we went through the points and ideas step by step from the first one until the last one. In otherhand, as nothing could be perfect, we found some areas and skills that we need to improve. For example, when we were discussing most of the points, everyone has the ame reaction by agreeing to it, in the time we needed some disagreeing to make most sides of the issue clear. Time management also is a side that we need to give an attention, which could done better by giving each point the right time.

In conclusion, I think I had a good epxerince that I have gained a benefit out of it. I had an idea about the real meetings and how to prepare for meetings, and how to speak with group members. Also I have noticed and learnt about the roles and what is each doing. One of the benefits I got is a self-confidence after having a good experience. Very last point is avoiding the mistakes I had been through to achieve the best result in future.

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